[Fsf-web] Fwd: [arun@freedevelopers.net: [Fsf-friends] [Fwd: GNU/Linux in Schools]]

Nagarjuna G. nagarjun@hbcse.tifr.res.in
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:20:57 +0530

----- Forwarded message from Arun M <arun@freedevelopers.net> -----

> Date: 17 Feb 2003 12:56:03 +0530
> From: Arun M <arun@freedevelopers.net>
> Subject: [Fsf-friends] [Fwd: GNU/Linux in Schools]
> To: fsf-friends@gnu.org.in
> X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.0.5 

Content-Description: Forwarded message - GNU/Linux in Schools
> Date: 17 Feb 2003 04:44:07 -0000
> From: "Sujeevan  Pullanhiotan" <sujeevan_p@rediffmail.com>
> Subject: GNU/Linux in Schools
> To: arun@freedevelopers.net
> Cc: sujeevan_p@rediffmail.com
> Reply-To: "Sujeevan  Pullanhiotan" <sujeevan_p@rediffmail.com>
> Hi to All,
>      We are happy to announce that, LTSP based GNU/Linux system 
> have been successfully implemented in following Govt. High Schools 
> in Kanuur. This is the first successful attempt in bringing 
> GNU/Linux to schools in Kerala. We are providing basic GNU/Linux 
> plus OpenOffice training to groups of teachers and the initial 
> response of the school teachers found to be very encouraging for 
> free software.
> List of Govt. Schools where LTSP is Implemented
>     * Govt. High School, Chelora, Kanuur
>     * Govt. High School, Munderi, Kanuur
>     * Govt. High School, Valapatnam, Kanuur
>     * Govt. High School, Chala, Kanuur
>     * Govt. High School, Thottada, Kanuur
>     * Technical Higher Secondary School, Thottada
>     * Govt. High School, Chittariparamba
>     * Govt. High School, Kuthuparamba
>     * Govt. High School, Vengad
>     * Govt. High School, Chavasseri
>     * Govt. High School, Pinarayi
>     * Govt. High School, Kottayam
>     * Govt. High School, Manathana( in progress)
>     * Govt. High School, Maaloor( in progress)
>     * Govt. High School, Edakkad ( In progress)
>  With Regards
>  Sujeevan.P
>  S2S2, Munderi, Kannur
>  http://s2s2net.netfirms.com

----- End forwarded message -----

nagarjun@hbcse.tifr.res.in		       www.hbcse.tifr.res.in/gn/
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