[Fsf-india] DEBATE: Why Linux... why GNU/Linux

Raghavendra Bhat ragu@vsnl.com
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 23:00:16 +0530

E. Krishnan posts :

> > Of  course, some  people like  to believe  that they  have  solved a
> > problem as  soon as they give it  a name, but names  are shallow and
> > superficial and both a result and a cause of sloppy thinking.
> That's very well put.

Can you kindly elaborate on what was well put ?  

You mean to  say that calling the  system by its `true name'  is not the
right approach, you mean to say that calling the system by giving credit
where it is due is sloppy.....you mean to say that `What is in a name ?' 
is a superficial thingie and shallow.

 /(__  __|\  ragOO, VU2RGU<->http://gnuhead.dyndns.org/<->GPG: 1024D/F1624A6E
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 )   (_____  /      Helping to keep your Software  FREE       the GNU Project 
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