[Fsf-friends] fsf-friends@gnu.org.in at nntp://news.gmane.org/gmane.org.fsf.india.fsf-friends

Biju G C bijumaillist@yahoo.com
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 17:46:55 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

Thanks to Tom Koelman and others at http://gmane.org
fsf-friends@gnu.org.in is now available as a news group
at server : news.gmane.org
groupname : gmane.org.fsf.india.fsf-friends

U can set it up in ur news reader with the above information
or by clicking 
in mozilla browser/mail reader

U can also view it online at 

Arun, Thanks for ur willingness to allow fsf-friends@gnu.org.in 
at http://gmane.org


If v want to hav our old mails available at http://gmane.org
V hav to import old mail archives into Gmane

Here is the instruction (from http://gmane.org/import.php )

Importing Archives Into Gmane

Mailing list archives can be imported into Gmane.

Archives to be imported can be in one of two formats: 
Either a tar file of a one-message-per-file directory, 
where the files have names that increase numerically, 
or a Unix mbox file. No other formats are acceptable. 
A Unix mbox file is preferred.

If you wish to have an archive of a mailing list you 
administrate imported into Gmane, send a mail to Lars 
( larsi+gmane@gnus.org )
with the URL of the mailing list archive, and which 
group it should be imported into.

The list admin/owner should OK this before the archive 
is imported. If you're the list admin, please say so in 
the email where you request the import. If not, please 
get in touch with the list admin first and get an approval 
before you request the import. The list admin often has 
access to an mbox format mail archive for the list, so get 
the URL for the archive at the same time.

For the technically inclined, here's how a mailing list 
archive import is done. It's not always as straightforward 
as it may seem.

* If there are no articles already in the group, 
  the archive is simply imported.

* If there are already articles in the group, things 
  get a bit more complicated, since Gmane tries to keep 
  at least a loose correlation between the order of the 
  article numbers and the sequence in which the messages 
  were posted.

  1. Let's say there's already articles 1-1000 in the group, 
     and there's 2000 (unstored) articles in the archive.

  2. Reception of new articles for the group is temporarily 

  3. The archive is imported into the group, ignoring any 
     articles that have already been stored in the group. 
     The articles from the archive get article numbers 

  4. Articles 1-1000 are renamed to 3001-4000.

  5. Using a hacked-up version of the prunehistory inn 
     command, the storage tokens for these moved articles 
     are altered.

  6. The overview file for the group is regenerated.

  7. Any articles that arrived while doing this operation 
     are handled and injected into the group. 

This means that if you've read articles in the group before 
doing the import, they'll suddenly become unread again, 
since they're assigned new article numbers. This is 
inconvenient, but it's a one-time inconvenience. 
Having the articles permanently out of sequence would be a 
permanent inconvenience.

The web interface to the articles will still respect the 
old article numbering, as well as the new. 
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.test/44 and 
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.test/348 both refer to the 
same article after one of these renumberings. 


--- Tom Koelman <tkoelman@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
> that has been posted to gmane.discuss.subscribe as well.
> bijumaillist@yahoo.com writes:
> > #gmane.fsf.india.fsf-friends   fsf-friends@gnu.org.in
> >   An open list which invites questions, proposals, suggestions, comments to aid the
> FSF-India\'s activities.
> >   mailman dummy 
> >   encode=encrypt
> A subscription message for the requested mailing list has been sent.
> The resulting group will be created when the first message arrives
> from the mailing list. New groups that are created are announced in
> gmane.announce.
> Tom

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