[Fsf-friends] [fred@mail.rons.net.cn: Hackerdom Training]

Raju Mathur raju@linux-delhi.org
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 09:43:44 +0530

So are these courses free on the 'net or what?

-- Raju

>>>>> "NG" == Nagarjuna G <nagarjun@hbcse.tifr.res.in> writes:

    NG> ----- Forwarded message from Hong Feng <fred@mail.rons.net.cn>
    NG> -----

    NG> Envelope-to: nagarjun@hbcse.tifr.res.in cc:
    NG> fred@mail.rons.net.cn From: Hong Feng <fred@mail.rons.net.cn>
    NG> Subject: Hackerdom Training To: nagarjun@hbcse.tifr.res.in

    NG> Hi Nag,

    NG> our hackerdom training courses are fixed this week, it is
    NG> published at http://www.rons.net.cn/MNM/training/hackerdom

    NG> Best, Frederic

    NG> -- +------------------------------------------+ | Hong Feng |
    NG> | Publisher, FREE SOFTWARE Magazine (FSM) | |
    NG> fred@mail.rons.net.cn hongfeng@gnu.org | |
    NG> http://www.rons.net.cn/hongfeng.html |
    NG> +------------------------------------------+

    NG> ----- End forwarded message -----

Raju Mathur               raju@kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
                      It is the mind that moves